Receiving news of a medical diagnosis often leads to more questions than answers.
What happens now?
Will life ever be the same?
What do I say?
What if work finds out?
How will I get through this?
Will everyone view me differently now?
If you have recently received a diagnosis (or have been grappling with one for a while) and are feeling anxious, scared, frustrated, and unsure of the path forward, you’ve come to the right place.
Dr. Damita understands what you’re going through.
The distress, anxiety, and sadness that comes as a result of changes to our health is different than other mental health struggles. Not only is it scary to face the unknown, it is also often incredibly destabilizing to the core foundation of how you view yourself and your life. Dr. Damita can partner with you on every step of this journey.
Meeting with Dr. Damita, you won't be seen as a "downer” because you need to talk about what's happening to you. You can freely process this massive life change with someone who understands the complexities of the medical system and its impacts on your mental and emotional health.

Acute Illness
Whether you were struck suddenly with an illness or having to prepare for a large procedure, these changes to your health can leave you feeling exhausted, alone, and depressed. Dr. Damita is here to help you.
Bariatric surgery (pre- and post)
Cardiac conditions
Heart attacks
Kidney disease
Liver disease
Lung disease
Solid organ transplants
Spinal injuries
… and more
Terminal Illness
The process of navigating treatment plans and facing your prognosis is often overwhelming. Dr. Damita can support you in coping with your diagnosis and identifying the next steps that are best for you.
Advanced heart disease
Hospice care
Palliative care
… and more
Are you living with a chronic illness? Learn more about how we can support you by clicking here.

When you work with Dr. Damita in therapy for medical conditions, you will:
Process how your diagnosis has impacted your mental and emotional health
Receive guidance on how to have conversations about your illness with family, friends, and coworkers
Develop coping skills for managing hard days, moments, and situations
Receive practical support for navigating the medical system
Work toward improved sleep and self-care
Increase your self-confidence when advocating for your needs and medical care
Cultivate a sense of independence and empowerment

Dr. Damita is here to support you in every facet of your health.